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Posted September 4, 2024 at 8:00 pm

The new catch I've caught is actually quite cute! Shame about the fact that she’s probably trying to kill me or someone in this valley, though. I just need to get it out of her.

I tried the honeypot route as a joke! That only got her a bid red in the face, which was funny, but didn’t really get us anywhere.

Well. It doesn’t hurt to try one more time, right?

Putting on makeup is only worth it when you get fun reactions…


Sunny asked me if I was frakensteining something in the basement.

Hah, imagine!

It’s a good thing they actually keep out of there, though. No one else has figured it out, yet, but the key to getting Sunny to stay away from a place they shouldn’t go is to make it sound as boring as possible. 

And maybe a few dozen locks with passcodes, but who’s counting?


Christie sure is good at avoiding people for a blind person. I’ve been trying to track her down for a few days, but it’s impossible to pin her down! Walter’s suspicious of me now (more than usual), which probably explains why I keep getting waved away by the council everytime I ask about their precious crystal ball of truth.

What’s a girl gotta do to get some blood?

In the meantime, I’ve made a bit of progress with Begonia.

That’s right, her name is Begonia. Unless she’s lying, but I don’t think she is. Her parents weren’t very original.

Begonia liked the first movie I play for her, and hates the rest. She prefers eggs over carbs for breakfast. She’s also vegetarian. She likes the brighter color clothes (Good choice, she looks good in them, great contrast). She also sucks at poker (Sunny has better poker faces!).

Not very useful information, but I can work with that.


I can tell I’m wearing her down day by day, she’s less hostile now, just weary. Maybe she’ll finally break if I only play the one movie she hates the most on repeat?

She’s holding onto her secret fairly well. I’ll need to up my game. 


I caught her crying yesterday.

It shouldn’t have been surprising, but I was shocked anyway. Anger and frustration, I was used to. Desperation, too. This basement has seen plenty of sobs and wailing, too.

The silent tears that greeted me unnerved me.

She was embarrassed and tried to hide it, but I saw. I didn’t try to poke at her, just set down her food and change of clothes. I was going to leave, as I didn’t think she wanted to speak to me, but she caught me off guard again.

“When are you letting me leave?”

I didn’t answer. She knew. It should make her more desperate.


I dreamed about her wet face that night.


She’s reverted back to anger now.

The teasing and movies and games all just frustrate her more. Maybe it was the embarrassment from being caught, or maybe this was her nearing the breaking point.

It kind of bummed me out, I almost liked talking with her, and her reactions were always so funny.

I can stop this. If I just let her out.

But I couldn’t. Not when I knew she had something to hide.

Dan would kill me if I let her loose. And I’d never forgive myself if something happened to anyone in the Valley because I got soft for a pretty face.

I just smile and roll my eyes when she spits at my feet.


The blood is mine now.

It’s been sitting in my pocket for three days now.

I should have used it by now. I could very well be putting all of us at danger by not using it as soon as possible.

But part of me doesn’t want to hear what she has to say.

I know she’s lying.

But I don’t want to hear the lie, not really.

I think there’s been too much hate in the valley, and out. Will this breed more hate between us? When I hear what she has to say?

Whenever I look at Sunny, or Iris, I remember what it is I’m protecting, and what I’m neglecting by delaying the inevitable, and I hate myself just a bit more than I already do.

I don’t complain about what I do. I’m not allowed, really. The only one I can talk freely to is Dan, but I know what she’ll say. What she’ll remind me.

The price of Sunny staying here was my perpetual duty to this Valley.

A thankless job.

Well. Whatever. I’ve put this off long enough.

Hopefully I won't have to kill her.